"Before we provide anything else, a village must have access to clean water. This is the number one priority for the Ugandan people."
Senoga Joshua
Operations Manager in Uganda

In addition to helping our clients maximize their wealth and minimize their tax, we are also committed to distributing some of this wealth to those with greater needs than ours. 

In 2010, Andrew went on his first trip to Uganda and he immediately fell in love with the country and its people. It was during this visit that he met a young man called Joshua who at the time was helping to run a small orphanage with a couple friends. In the years to come Andrew established a partnership with Joshua which has lead to over ten boreholes being dug in a variety of villages across the country.

As Andrew has come to know the people of Uganda, he feels like it is his privilege and duty to create opportunities to share some of this wealth from Australia with our “neighbours” in Uganda, many who don’t even have clean water to drink. 

If you are interested in the work we are doing in Africa, please peruse this page and click on the link below to see a video of the most recently completed water project. And remember, when you use the services of Integrity Accounting you are also contributing to this valuable work overseas.

Andrew also hiked the whole Bibbulmun Track in May 2022 to raise money for a new project on “Bussi Island” just south of Kampala. To find out more about this project, click on this link.

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Many of the people in Uganda travel long distances on foot to get their water from dirty water holes which are often shared with cattle and other animals. 

This water is then used to clean, wash, cook and drink and is one of the main sources of sickness in these rural communities.

Digging a borehole that is easy to access not only improves health in the community  but can also reduce the distances travelled and time taken to collect the water. Most of the resources are sourced locally and wages are paid to the people of Uganda which also helps the local economy.

We raise money here in Australia and when we have about $3,500 (depending on the exchange rate) this is enough to fund the provision of a borehole for a Ugandan village that can provide clean water for up to 500 people. 

This is a photo of Andrew & his daughter on their most recent trip to Uganda in 2020 just before the COVID pandemic.

It is such a fulfilling experience to visit one of the villages where a borehole is now providing clean water to the community. Something we take for granted here in Australia can make such a huge difference to the lives of the people in Uganda.

Photo Gallery

Over the years of preparing tax returns one of the questions that we always ask is:
“Have you made any tax deductible donations?”

Unfortunately one of the common hindrances to people donating more is the common belief that a lot of the funds are often lost through administration costs and/or corruption and don’t actually find their way to the people in need.

This is one of the things that prompted us to establish this mission in Uganda. Because we have a direct relationship with the people on the ground we can guarantee that 100% of the donations go directly to the clean water projects.

If this is something you would be interested in supporting yourself,
feel free to contact Andrew to find out more details about how this can be done.

If you would like to donate directly, the following bank account has been setup specifically for the water projects:

Account Name: A Kowald & C Caruso
BSB: 016 494
A/C : 6453 85251

Unfortunately these donations are not yet tax deductible

“One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:24-25