"In May 2022 I walked along the Bibbulmun Track from Albany to Perth in 30 days!

In doing this hike, it was my goal to raise $20,000 to provide clean water, a new toilet and a 2 day medical clinic for the residents of Bussi island in Uganda, Africa."

UPDATE: As of 30th June 2022 we have raised $19,065 toward the Bussi Island Project.


Thanks so much to everyone who has donated so far! Just a reminder that EVERY dollar goes towards the new toilet, bore hole and health clinic. There are no administration costs. Thanks again for your support.

If you are interested in my latest fundraiser for the people on Bussi Island, please click on the link below to see a short video about this project.

Play Video

There are three small islands that make up the sub county of Bussi Island, which historically was a hiding place for criminals. Even in the recent past this island has been known for so many deaths and even the name bussi means “kills”.

The major activities on this island are fishing and farming and the residents face many challenges, some of which include lack of health facilities, dirty water sources, many diseases, high rate of early marriages and early pregnancies and high percentage of HIV virus in the area.

Hygiene and sanitation on the island are poor and they don ‘t have any stable, well built toilets.

The area is very sandy and because of this issue, the type of toilet that can match with these conditions is very expensive and so the citizens are unable to afford it. Therefore they opt for using the bush with some people constructing weird, small personal toilets that don’t last very long. In addition to this, there’s a large spread of UTI’s due to the condition of the toilets and this affects the women leading to an increased number of miscarriages.

By raising money for a bore hole, quality toilet block and mobile clinic we hope to make a significant impact on the hygiene, health and overall wellbeing of the small society on this island. 

If you would like to donate to this cause, the following bank account has been setup specifically for this Bussi Island Project:

Account Name: A Kowald & C Caruso
BSB: 016 494
A/C : 6453 85251

Unfortunately these donations are not yet tax deductible

“One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”

Proverbs 11:24-25

To find out more about our work in Uganda, follow the CHARITY link on this website